IN-FOCUS: Nurol Teknoloji

IN-FOCUS: Nurol Teknoloji
World Leading Ballistic Ceramic Manufacturer
Excellence Business Expansion Commended
Excellence Product Launches Commended
Excellence Research and Development Commended

Army Technology Excellence Awards and Rankings 2022 – The Verdict

Nurol Teknoloji is a defense sector manufacturer headquartered in Turkey with a particular focus on advanced technique ballistic ceramics. The company is ranked in the BUSINESS EXPANSION, PRODUCT LAUNCHES and RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT categories in the 2022 Army Technology Excellence Rankings.

The company has developed a number of notable products including armor for both personnel and vehicles. Notable examples include the company’s mobile visor set, the Modular Protectorate (MODKOR) system is portable and flexible with an installation time of 15 minutes. It is designed to be used by defense or police forces in a variety of scenarios such as base areas and road control points. The system is tested against various threats including kinetic energy ammunition and explosives.

Nurol Teknoloji Gölbaşı Facility

Another innovative product is the company’s mini hand shield, a piece of armor designed for scenarios where large shields are not practical. Despite its size the product still offers NIJ Level 4 protection and is developed to cover the head and upper body, protecting vital organs.

When it comes to vehicles Nurol was involved in the development of the Gökbey helicopter platform as a subcontractor producing the vehicle’s seat armor. The prototype has reached trial stage with the company performing platform integration trials. The company is aiming to win future contracts from Turkish Aerospace off the back of the project and further demonstrate the qualities of its ceramic and composite materials.

The company is pursuing further opportunities for research and development and another notable deal saw it sign a cooperation agreement with Sabancı University Nanotechnology Research and Application Center (SUNUM) during the research period.


As Nurol Teknoloji, with our technologies, we successfully produce ‘Ceramic Armor Materials’ that can be produced by a limited number of countries in the world. We have very high capacity, especially with our existing infrastructure and unique production methods for boron carbide armor materials. With our expertise and experienced staff, we are able to make production in the most flexible and fastest way to meet the demands of our customers.

Mixtures prepared according to prescriptions completely belonging to Nurol Teknoloji by using powder metallurgy methods following raw material procurement, are shaped in high tonnage presses in sizes and forms suitable for customer requirements. Ceramic shaping can be performed with our existing presses including multi curve geometries up to 45×45 cm in dimension.

Sintering process is performed in vacuum and inert gas atmospheres at temperatures up to 2300 ˚C in our high technology furnaces with our unique sintering method which ensures the size of our production capacity. In this way, Boron Carbide and Silicon Carbide ceramic armors with first class mechanical properties are obtained. In addition, we offer a wide range of choices to our customers by producing Aluminum Oxide armor plates in open atmosphere furnaces that can reach up to 1700˚C temperature. Our company continues to increase its capacity and technology day by day with its R&D activities and investments with 100% domestic capital.

Ballistic Solutions for Personal, Vehicle, Structural Platforms

In addition to its ceramic production capability that makes a difference in the world, our company is able to meet the needs of its customers under a single roof with its composite armor production capability, as well. In our Autoclave furnaces, we can apply temperature, pressure and vacuum parameters at the same time and we can strongly combine complex shaped ceramics with composite fabrics.

Our focus in the production of armor ceramics is to ensure sustainable product quality. In the ballistics world, product quality is equivalent to human life. All stages of production, from raw materials to the production of goods, are regularly monitored. Production is carried out with technological infrastructure, effective process management, means of lean production and trained staff. Kaizen studies based on lean production systematics are applied with the participation of all employees. Studies are performed to stabilize production with standard work instructions and value stream analysis applied in processes. 5S studies are carried out in order to keep the production area clean and tidy.

Armor ceramics produced by Nurol Teknoloji will continue to add value both to our country and to all nations in the near future where the supply of raw material and the production of products from raw materials will create a bottleneck for all nations.

Selim BAYBAŞ / Nurol Teknoloji CEO

“As Nurol Teknoloji, with the heavy responsibility of protecting human life, we are advancing every day to do better with the most advanced quality awareness and to ‘protect the good ones’. We continue to protect the needy all over the world by offering the most innovative, lightest and most reliable solutions against the constantly developing and increasing threats in our world. We are proud to do business in the world’s top class in the field of ballistic protective solutions.”

CEO – Selim Baybaş


Oğulbey Mah. 3060 Cad.

No:5 06830 Gölbaşı



TEL. +90 (312) 615 55 11








Peyman Taeidi

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