Veneziano, Moran and Dong studying DNA-based hydrogels for peripheral nerve repair


Remi Veneziano, Assistant Professor, Bioengineering; Jeffrey Moran, Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering; and Pei Dong, Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering, received funding for the project: “DNA-Based Hydrogels for Peripheral Nerve Repair.” 

The researchers propose to engineer novel DNA-based conductive hydrogels with finely controlled elastic modulus and electrical properties matching those of the nerve tissue.  

They also propose to develop a novel strategy to control the spatial distribution of neurotrophic factors known to promote peripheral nerve regeneration, directly into the hydrogels to facilitate functional tissue regeneration.  

To reach these objectives, the researchers will leverage the unique biochemical and structural properties of DNA molecules as building blocks to assemble hydrogels whose stiffness can be precisely tuned to match those of nerve tissues. These DNA hydrogels will be complemented with conductive polymers, allowing electrical stimulation of neuronal cells to promote their growth.  

Using novel fabrication methods, the researchers will be able to synthesize hydrogels that precisely control the growth of neurons toward efficient peripheral nerve regeneration. They will evaluate the efficacy of their approach by culturing neuron-like cells in their hydrogels and monitoring their growth over time. 

The researchers hold that their novel scaffolds could change the paradigm of peripheral nerve injury treatment. These injuries affect the lives of many wounded soldiers and veterans, as well as millions of civilian patients every year worldwide. This research could help reduce healing time and enable rapid recovery of nerve functions to avoid the incapacitating consequences of peripheral nerve injuries. The researchers also hold that the versatility of their strategy will considerably advance knowledge on rational design of scaffolds for soft tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. 

Regarding the importance of this project, Veneziano said: “This novel strategy will not only represent a revolutionary step forward for the treatment of severe peripheral nerve injuries that affect many wounded soldiers and veterans as well as millions of civilian patients, but it will also provide several innovative concepts that enable new capabilities in multiple fields including tissue engineering, regenerative medicine, and DNA nanotechnology.” 

Veneziano, Moran, and Dong received $317,781 from the U.S. Department of the Army for this research. Funding began in Jan. 2023 and will end in late Dec. 2024. 


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Peyman Taeidi

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