Cultural Review | Why Science Fiction Movies and TV Works Can Change from “Fantasy” to “True”_Earth_Technology_Science

Cultural Review | Why Science Fiction Movies and TV Works Can Change from “Fantasy” to “True”_Earth_Technology_Science

“How to operate digital life?” “Can such powerful sophons be used by us?” So far, many viewers are still immersed in the grand worldview shown in “The Three-Body Problem” and “The Wandering Earth 2”, and they keep asking questions. From “fantasy” to “truth”, the current sci-fi film and television dramas are expressed in artistic ways and themes that are closer to real life, and explore the prospects of technological development with the help of sci-fi. Think about the relationship between technology and human destiny.

I still remember that when “The Wandering Earth 2” was released, Liu Cixin, the original author, explained why the film was affirmed and hotly discussed in an interview. He said frankly that if it was 30 years ago, “The Wandering Earth 2” would not have been made, because it was unbelievable. How could China have spaceships and space elevators? But now I don’t feel this way. Every moment of China’s changes makes China’s future attractive. This is the most fertile soil for science fiction literature and science fiction movies.

For example, the big “net celebrity” in “The Wandering Earth 2” is the 550 series of intelligent quantum computers, which can calculate that the earth will encounter multiple crises, and can realize the integration and scheduling of global complex computing resources to meet the needs of tens of thousands of people. The engine needs to work together and support the “Digital Life” program. It can be said that whether it is credible or not is directly related to the worldview setting of the film. In reality, many people are no strangers to quantum computers and artificial intelligence, and their research has become a hot topic in recent years. According to news reports, major countries in the world are strengthening their deployment in the field of quantum information technology, and “Made in China” has become There are four, and the latest quantum computer “Wukong” is also coming soon.

The film industry generally believes that sci-fi movies can be divided into soft sci-fi and hard sci-fi. Although there are many disputes about the classification criteria, it is undeniable that “hard sci-fi” is a technological fantasy based on technology itself, which must be both open-minded and rigorous. believable.

When watching a sci-fi film and television drama, the audience will activate the logic of reality and science. When a work makes mistakes in this area, it will not be credible and the audience will not empathize. For example, the word-of-mouth score of “Shanghai Fortress” is as low as 2.9, while “The Wandering Earth” is as high as 7.9 points. At the same time, if the main creators of sci-fi film and television dramas have no concept of basic scientific knowledge, it will be difficult to start the work. It can be seen that in addition to expressing Chinese stories, Chinese spirit and the efforts of the Chinese people to strive for a better life, scientific literacy is also very important in science fiction film and television dramas.

The “fusion of science and film” between the film and television industry and the scientific community is the general trend. Looking back on the development of Chinese sci-fi movies over the years, “The Wandering Earth” and “Crazy Alien” exploded in 2019, which is regarded as “the first year of Chinese sci-fi movies”. In 2020, the National Film Administration and the China Association for Science and Technology issued “Several Opinions on Promoting the Development of Science Fiction Films” known as the “Ten Articles of Science Fiction”; A group of academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Sciences, authoritative experts and outstanding scientific and technological workers serve as experts in the scientific advisory library. At the end of 2020, the China Popular Science Writers Association established a professional committee for the integration of science and film and television.

“The Wandering Earth 2” has a scientific advisory group composed of 19 experts in various fields, and the drama version “Three-Body” has 60 to 70 scientific advisors. Professional opinions from scientists have added scientific wings to sci-fi film and television dramas, making these works more realistic, and allowing artistic creation to go further and more solidly. When the audience discusses the theories and phenomena in these works , will also be nourished by science.


Whether it is the big ideas of “detonating the moon”, “digital life”, “space elevator”, “Guzheng operation”, or the dense formulas on the wall of Hengyu in “The Wandering Earth 2” and in Wei Cheng’s room in “Three-Body”, there are scientific Hard core support from consultants. In addition, these works can arouse extensive discussions, and it is also inseparable from scientists’ colloquial interpretation of high-tech terms, such as particle collision, nanotechnology, and cosmic flicker, and Qin Shihuang’s 30 million soldiers formed a humanoid computer.

So, why do current science fiction film and television works still allow audiences to gain a “future sense of history”? Because these future scientific and technological forces have already been traced, they cannot be separated from the “national important weapon” behind them. “The fusion of science and film” has penetrated into more levels, and “Three-Body” is the first crew to enter the particle collision center and the National Nano Science Center for live shooting. After the release of “The Wandering Earth 2”, the state-owned enterprise led by China National Nuclear Corporation made a voice on the social platform #你听想想,我们解决进入#, the “dream linkage” of technology and science fiction ignited the entire network – China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation said, Sky ladders, earth stations, and space stations are expected to be realized in 2045; the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued a document to support the research and development and production of “exoskeleton” robots, and promote the integration into different scenarios and fields such as elderly care; 3D printing construction technology, intelligent building robots, 7G networks and other future technologies, It is also actively “claimed” by various central enterprises. Director Guo Fan once said with emotion, “Apply the country’s existing high-tech to our production. Due to the solid productivity and production technology, when these products are applied to movie scenes, prop production, etc., they will be very efficient.”

The good news is that “The Three-Body Problem” and “The Wandering Earth 2” will further promote the two-way rush of science and film and television. The rapid development of China‘s economy and society and the rapid changes in science and technology have provided strong support for the rise of sci-fi film and television and even the entire sci-fi literature and art, which is bound to attract more creators to join. In February alone, a number of sci-fi film and television dramas announced news, including “Three-Body 2: Dark Forest”, “Three-Body: The Great History”, “Stars”, “Abyss of Time”, “Yuandu”, “Perfect Body”, “Binary” wait. The first “Venus Award” announced 15 award-winning science fiction novels, as well as the copyright pricing ladder. It is believed that many works will be adapted for film and television.

In addition, the scientific and technological imagination in science fiction film and television dramas not only pays tribute to the vast number of Chinese scientific researchers, but also encourages them to climb higher scientific research peaks, and stimulates the people’s strong sense of pride and belief in the rapid development of the country’s scientific and technological strength. As a result, inside and outside the big screen will jointly build a thriving technological power and prosperity.

Yangtze Evening News/Ziniu News reporter Kong Xiaoping

Proofreading Li HaihuiReturn to Sohu to see more


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Peyman Taeidi

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