Research day observed at SRM Institute of Science & Technology

Research day observed at SRM Institute of Science & Technology

12th annual ‘Research Day’ was observed at SRM Institute of Science and Technology at Kattankulathur on March 7.

Kattankulathur, March 8 (MExN): The 12th annual ‘Research Day’ was observed at SRM Institute of Science and Technology (SRM IST) at Kattankulathur on March 7. 

Addressing the occasion as the chief guest, Prof Umesh V Waghmare, President of Indian Academy of Sciences said he was glad to note that SRM IST was giving a lot of importance and priority to research in science and that they had a good team of vibrant researchers. ‘Youth should consider science as appealing as it was a shared knowledge based on a common understanding of certain aspects of the physical and social world,’ he stated.

He said added, for instance, energy storage was a burning problem and that science would not solve the problem. Considering the total availability of nickel, cobalt, and manganese for energy storage, targets for energy storage as envisaged for 2030 could not be met. The solution could be found only through global cooperation, and sharing knowledge through publishing research papers played a vital role. 

Dr P Sathyanarayanan, Pro-Chancellor (Academics), SRM IST, delivering the special address said, “We should lead change through innovation or follow leaders creating it.” Stating that Research Day has been held annually for the last 12 years, Dr Sathyanaranan said that it was organised on National Science Day, a tribute to Nobel Laureate Sir CV Raman on the day he discovered the “Raman Effect.”

Dr Sathyanaranan said that research should be inculcated right from the beginning of education, however, the curiosity among children in school was killed when they pursued higher education. He said that at SRM IST, they believed that research should not be restricted only to those pursuing Ph.D., but that it should be all-pervasive – not just across disciplines, but across all levels – starting from under graduation till Ph.D.

Prof Waghmare and Dr Sathyanarayanan felicitated 16 SRM IST faculty members mentioned in the Global List of “Stanford University’s Top 2 % of Scientists.” They also honoured faculty whose publications were published in Nature Indexed Journals.

An update received here stated that rarlier, Prof Waghmere inaugurated the Simultaneous Thermopower and Laser Flash Thermal Conductivity Measurement System (LZT Meter) and Scanning Probe Microscope – a new state-of-the-art facility at Nanotechnology Research Centre (NRC), College of Engineering and Technology, set up at a cost of about Rs 2.2crore.

Peyman Taeidi

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