Supreme Leader Urges Sanctioned States to Cooperate to Neutralize Pressures

Supreme Leader Urges Sanctioned States to Cooperate to Neutralize Pressures

“The countries that have been sanctioned by the United States must cooperate with each other and form a joint assembly to destroy the weapon of sanctions. We believe that such a thing is achievable,” the Supreme Leader said during the meeting.

The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution also referred to the sanctions that the US has imposed against Iran since the beginning of the Revolution, and the most severe sanctions that the country experienced during the last twelve years, and said, “The severe sanctions made Iran aware of its capabilities and internal strengths. During this time, the sanctions provided the ground for many developments in Iran and our country was able to advance outstandingly in various fields including science and technology, medicine and biology, aerospace science, nuclear technology, and nanotechnology.”

Ayatollah Khamenei emphasized that if the countries that have been sanctioned by the US make complete use of each other’s potentials, they all will benefit greatly.

Recalling the fields of cooperation between Iran and Belarus in the fields of science and technology, commerce, and political activities in international spheres, the Supreme Leader referred to the International North-South Transport Corridor, adding, “The establishment of the North-South Transport Corridor is in the interest of both countries, as well as Russia and the region. Both sides should work hard to create it.”

The President of Belarus met with Ayatollah Khamenei on Monday afternoon.

Lukashenko on Sunday evening arrived on an official visit to Iran and was welcomed by Iranian Minister of Industry, Mine and Trade Seyyed Reza Fatemi Amin at Mehrabad Airport.

He was also officially welcomed by his Iranian counterpart Ebrahim Raisi on Monday morning.

Peyman Taeidi

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