By 2030, humans will be immortal: Ex-Google scientist

By 2030, humans will be immortal: Ex-Google scientist

Have you ever thought of living for years and years without worrying about dying? Up until now, immortality has been a concept that many have dwelled on but if the prediction made by a former Google employee is anywhere to be true, then we might be on the path to achieve it soon.

Ray Kurzweil, a former Google engineer, has made a shocking prediction that humans will become immortals in just seven years. So far, close to 86 per cent of his 147 predictions have been correct.

Kurzweil made the claim in a YouTube video posted by channel Adagio where the 75-year-old computer scientist discussed expansion in genetics, nanotechnology, robotics and more.

In the past, the scientist’s predictions have become accurate, inspiring a cult following among other future-thinkers.

In the two-part video interview, the 75-year-old emphasised his claim made in the 2005 book ‘The Singularity Is Near‘ where he predicted that technology will allow humans to enjoy an everlasting life by 2030.


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“2029 is the consistent date I have predicted for when an AI will pass a valid Turing test and therefore achieve human levels of intelligence. I have set the date 2045 for the ‘Singularity’ which is when we will multiply our effective intelligence a billion fold by merging with the intelligence we have created,” Kurzweil had told Futurism in 2017, as quoted by New York Post.At the recent interview with the YouTuber, Kurzweil talked about nanotechnology and robotics which he believes will give birth to age-reversing ‘nanobots‘. As per former Google engineer, these tiny robots will constantly keep fixing damaged cells and tissues that start to deteriorate as we age, making us immune to lethal diseases. This isn’t the first time that this scientist has made a prediction. In 1990, Kurzweil had predicted that the world’s best chess player would lose to a computer by 2000. The prediction came true in 1997 when Deep Blue beat Gary Kasparov.

Later in 1999, he made another prediction stating that by 2023, a laptop worth $1,000 would have storage capacity and capabilities of a human brain. Kurzweil, an author who calls himself a futurist, had also predicted that by 2010, most of the world would have access to high-bandwidth wireless internet.

Well, what do you think about Kurzweil’s prediction on immortality? Let us know in the comments section below.

Peyman Taeidi

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