Bolstering cybersecurity structure for the Indian healthcare system

Bolstering cybersecurity structure for the Indian healthcare system

The Indian healthcare system has been one of the fastest-growing industries. With this, the growth is supported by accelerated technology adoption and emerging tech innovations across the country.

Advanced technologies like Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, the Internet of Things, 3D Printing, NanoTech, etc., support the rapid progression of the Indian healthcare sector. The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has further supported the flourishing growth of the healthcare ecosystem and amplified digital adoption across all health service providers, including small and non-urban providers.

However, the phenomenal rise in tech adoption has also made the healthcare sector increasingly vulnerable to cyber-attacks and fraud cases. Cyber threats (like identity theft, financial fraud, malware, phishing, etc.) severely plague the healthtech industry owing to the lack of a robust cybersecurity infrastructure. Unfortunately, hospitals do not allocate 5% of their budget to a robust cybersecurity infrastructure.

Consequently, cyber attacks have become more pervasive and sophisticated in nature. Therefore, it has become essential for organizations to strengthen their cybersecurity structure to protect networks, systems, and programs from digital attacks. It is necessary to secure the healthcare system to protect medical records, patient data, and other sensitive information. Healthcare organizations must proactively protect their systems and data from cyber-attacks. In this article, we will discuss some of the measures that can be taken to bolster the cybersecurity structure of the Indian healthcare system.

1. Strengthen the existing cybersecurity infrastructure 

The first step in bolstering the cybersecurity structure of the Indian healthcare system is to strengthen the existing infrastructure. It includes ensuring that all systems are up-to-date, with the latest security patches installed. Organizations should also ensure that all systems are running the most recent version of their operating system. Additionally, it is crucial to deploy firewalls and intrusion detection systems to protect against malicious actors.

2. Establish a security culture 

It is also essential to establish a security culture within the organization. It includes educating employees on cybersecurity best practices and implementing policies and procedures to ensure all data is handled securely. Employees should be trained to identify and report suspicious activities, and all systems should be regularly monitored for potential security threats.

3. Implementing encryption  

Encryption is one of the most effective ways to protect data from cyber-attacks. Encryption ensures that even if a hacker can access data, it will be unreadable and unusable. Organizations should implement encryption for all sensitive data, including patient records and other confidential information.

4. Use tools and vendors for data protection

As healthcare may require service providers for billing, monitoring, medical devices and in other numerous areas, all the tools and vendors they use should comply with data regulations. Any lapse from any other of these vendors can risk the data of the healthcare companies. Some standards to look for adherences and attestations like ISO 27001, SOC 2, HIPAA, GDPR. Data protection bill of India will soon be the minimum and gold standard of trust here. .

5. Monitor network traffic

Organizations should also monitor network traffic to identify potential threats. It includes tracking for suspicious activities, such as data exfiltration or malicious code. Network traffic should be monitored regularly to ensure that the system is secure.

6. Implement access controls

Access controls can also be used to bolster the cybersecurity structure of the Indian healthcare system. Access controls allow organizations to restrict access to sensitive data and systems, ensuring that only authorized personnel can access them. Organizations should implement access controls for all systems and data and regularly monitor and review access rights to ensure they are up-to-date.

Summing up

Although cybersecurity awareness and data privacy are nascent, the Indian healthcare system has been steadily rising. And the growing adoption of a robust cybersecurity structure that can efficiently handle cyber threats and data breaches can only be achieved through increased awareness and practical education. The proactive steps mentioned above aim to protect organizations’ systems and data. By taking these steps, organizations can ensure their processes, data, and devices are secure and not vulnerable to foreign cyber-attacks.


Views expressed above are the author’s own.


Peyman Taeidi

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