5 Best SARMs for Sale in 2022 (Bulking, Cutting, & More)

If you’re into bodybuilding at all, you’ve likely heard of SARMs lately. SARMs, short for Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators, are a new class of fat burning and muscle mass building compounds that are taking the fitness world by storm.
Proponents of the best SARMs claim that just one 3-month cycle can pack on 15-20 pounds of muscle mass, and help burn off a solid 15-20 pounds of fat at the same time. However, are these massive muscle gains too good to be true? What does the research say?
In this report, we’ve compiled dozens of research studies and are here to take a good hard look at the data, anecdotal evidence, clinical studies, and more. Are SARMs a safer version of anabolic steroids or is it all just marketing hype?
Here in this LA Weekly report, the truth will be exposed.
An Introduction to SARMs
Selective androgen receptor modulators, or SARMs for short, are a class of chemical compounds that were developed and discovered in the 1990’s by pharmaceutical companies attempting to find cures to muscle wasting diseases.
Ostarine, for example, which is one of the most well-researched SARMs, was initially developed by GTx Pharmaceuticals as a potential treatment for cancer. [R]
Unlike anabolic steroids, which often cause many nasty side effects like gynecomastia, acne, roid rage, and heart defects, SARMs seem to be a much safer alternative. The secret lies in their mechanism of action, which allows them to cause lean muscle gains without many of the side effects that conventional anabolic steroids would cause.
Selective androgen receptor modulators, or SARMs for short, are a class of chemical compounds that were developed and discovered in the 1990’s by pharmaceutical companies attempting to find cures to muscle wasting diseases.
Ostarine, for example, which is one of the most well-researched SARMs, was initially developed by GTx Pharmaceuticals as a potential treatment for cancer. [R]
Unlike anabolic steroids, which often cause many nasty side effects like gynecomastia, acne, roid rage, and heart defects, SARMs seem to be a much safer alternative. The secret lies in their mechanism of action, which allows them to cause lean muscle gains without many of the side effects that conventional anabolic steroids would cause.
Mechanism of Action
In order to understand the best SARMs supplements on the market, a little bit of understanding as to how they work goes a long way. Upon ingestion, SARMs are quickly absorbed, and bind to what are known as androgen receptors in the body.
What are androgen receptors? They’re points in the body, that when a chemical binds to them, it signals the body to start building lean muscle mass and burning fat. The main difference between SARMs and anabolic steroids is that unlike anabolic steroids, SARMs only bind to skeletal muscle androgen receptors (not organ androgen receptors). [R]
What this means is that SARMs will signal your skeletal muscles to grow (the muscles you want to grow, like biceps, triceps, etc.) and will “selectively” ignore the muscles you don’t want to grow (like your heart muscles, which could lead to an enlarged heart).
Due to this selectivity, SARMs are being researched as a potential way to help cancer patients rebuild lost muscle tissue without many of the conventional side effects of steroids.
Legality of SARMs
Upon hearing at how effective some of these best SARMs are, many people wonder if they’re legal to buy and sell. After all, they’re some of the most powerful compounds right now for lean muscle growth, boosting growth hormone, and to accelerate fat loss.
In short, yes! SARMs are 100% legal to buy and sell online. So, if you’re just looking to buy, our #1 recommended source right now is PureRawz.
Every batch of their SARMs is 3rd party verified for purity and quality, so you know you’re getting some of the best SARMs on the market that will help you with fat loss and muscle gain.
Keep in mind that while SARMs are legal to buy and sell, if you’re an athlete, they’ve been banned from competition due to how effective they are. WADA (the World Anti-Doping Agency) added to their list of banned substances in 2017. [R]
Top 5 Best SARMs for Sale
With this in mind, not all SARMs are created equal. Some are better for building lean muscle mass, others are best for overall muscle growth, and some prioritize fat loss over muscle gain.
All SARMs are powerful anabolic agents that will lead to increased muscle mass and less fat (some even enhance growth hormone levels, too) – but it’s best to decide what your primary goal is and pick a SARM that specializes in that.
Don’t worry, we’ll explain more about each of these SARMs in detail, but for those looking to find the best SARMs on the market, here’s the quick punch list:
- Ostarine (MK-2866)
- Testolone (RAD 140)
- Ligandrol (LGD-4033)
- Ibutamoren (MK-677)
- Cardarine (GW-501516)
If you’re looking to build lean muscle tissue, improve your bone density, and burn more body fat, then keep on reading, because these 5 compounds are the best SARMs for cutting, for bulking, for overall muscle growth, body fat shredding, and more.
Don’t take my word for it, though – we will look at the clinical research, too.
Ostarine (MK-2866)
Ostarine, otherwise known as MK-2866 or Enobosarm, is one of the most popular and well-researched selective androgen receptor modulators that there is on the market right now.
MK 2866 is hands down one of the best SARMs for cutting on the market, due to its versatility and ability to help users preserve muscle mass on a caloric deficit. While it isn’t as anabolic as a SARM like RAD 140 or Ligandrol, it still packs a hell of a punch.
Ostarine is the best SARM for users who just want to shred off 10-15 pounds of excess body fat and put some lean mass on at the same time, say for a recomposition.
- Build Lean Muscle Mass – Studies have shown that Ostarine MK 2866 leads to a large amount of muscle gain in a very short period of time. [R]
- Reduce Levels of Body Fat – If your goal is to lose weight, Ostarine MK 2866 combined with a healthy diet is one of the best ways to accelerate weight loss massively.
- Increase Bone Density – Another benefit of Ostarine is how it increases bone density, leading to less likelihood of fractures and broken bones. [R]
- Preserve Muscle Mass – If you’re trying to preserve muscle mass while cutting, Ostarine is a great option for you to pick. It’s a very versatile SARM overall.
Side effects:
- Mild Stomach Pain After Taking
- Lower Natural Testosterone Production
- Mild Joint Pain When Lifting Heavy
General Information
- Recommended Dosage: 10-25mg/day
- Stacks Well With: Ligandrol, RAD 140
- Chemical Formula: C19H14F3N3O3
- Ostarine Half Life: 24 Hours
>> Click Here to Buy Ostarine for Sale From the #1 Vendor <<
Testolone (RAD 140)
RAD 140, otherwise known as Testolone, is one of my personal favorites when it comes to SARMs. This compound is phenomenal at pretty much everything from fat burning to lean muscle growth and more.
While it isn’t as well-researched as Ostarine, in my opinion, it’s one of the best SARMs for cutting and bulking depending on your goal. It’s great to add into a cutting stack due to its ability to help users burn fat rapidly. It’s also great for bulking however, because it aids in the accumulation of lean muscle mass quite well.
Overall, RAD 140 is one of the best SARMs to build muscle mass and burn fat, and it’s personally my favorite selective androgen receptor modulator.
- Build Lean Muscle Mass – Studies have shown that RAD 140 is one of the best SARMs for bulking by far. It will accelerate protein synthesis and muscle growth ASAP. [R]
- Increased Bone Density – In addition to accelerating new muscle tissue and muscle growth, RAD 140 has also been known to increase bone density in users.
- Accelerates Fat Burning – Of course, everyone’s favorite benefit of Testolone RAD 140 – its ability to help users burn fat rapidly even when in a caloric surplus. [R]
- Faster Protein Synthesis – The ability of Testolone RAD 140 to accelerate protein synthesis is perhaps one of the reasons it’s so good at helping users heal faster.
- Enhanced Muscle Recovery – By binding to androgen receptors in the body, RAD 140 can speed up muscle tissue recovery and new muscle growth in users.
Side Effects
- Testosterone Suppression (On Cycle)
- Upset Stomach (After Using It)
General Information
- Recommended Dosage: 10-20mg/day
- Stacks Well With: Ligandrol, Ostarine
- Chemical Formula: C20H16ClN5O2
- RAD 140 Half Life: 60 Hours
>> Click Here to Buy RAD 140 for Sale From The #1 Vendor <<
Ligandrol (LGD-4033)
Coming in third is Ligandrol, one of the best selective androgen receptor modulators on the planet right now. In terms of increasing muscle strength and sheer muscle mass, it’s by far number one. The gains won’t be super lean, but they will come in hard and heavy.
This SARM increases bone density, boosts energy levels, and helps you build muscle like no other dietary supplement on the market currently can. When it comes to muscle building, Ligandrol is one of the best SARMs for bulking by far, and will take you very far.
It basically has all the benefits of steroids, with none of the detriments like severe liver stress, breast cancer, and insulin resistance (all of which are steroid related side effects).
- Enhanced Muscle Growth – The #1 place that Ligandrol shines is its ability to help users pack on slabs of lean muscle mass in very quick periods of time, according to research. [R]
- Enhanced Protein Synthesis – Faster protein synthesis means you not only build muscle mass faster and get stronger faster, but even lose fat faster, too.
- Best for Muscle Building – Ligandrol is the best SARM for bulking by far, due to its ability to jack up the body’s natural muscle building process.
- Increased Bone Health – LGD 4033 has also been known to enhance bone density, which is why it was researched as a potential way to lessen symptoms of osteoporosis. [R]
Side Effects
- Lowered Testosterone Production
- Higher Cholesterol Levels
General Information
- Recommended Dosage: 10-20mg/day
- Stacks Well With: RAD 140, MK 677
- Chemical Formula: C14H12F6N2O
- Ligandrol Half Life: 36 Hours
>> Click Here to Buy Ligandrol for Sale From The #1 Vendor <<
Ibutamoren (MK-677)
While Ibutamoren, or MK 677, is technically a growth hormone secretagogue and not a SARM (selective androgen receptor modulator), it is often sold alongside SARMs, stacked with SARMs, and marketed as a SARM, so we’ve decided to group it in the same group.
MK 677 acts by binding to ghrelin receptors, thus signaling the body to produce more human growth hormone. This leads to the growth of new muscle tissue, faster fat burning, better muscle building, and faster muscle recovery and wound healing, too.
Overall, MK 677 is one of the best muscle building supplements on the market right now. It has significant benefits and can easily increase lean muscle mass, burn stored body fat, aid in weight loss, help prevent muscle loss, and aid users to build muscle mass.
- Increased Muscle Mass – Grow more muscle with growth hormone. That way, there’s no testosterone suppression so you don’t need to have any PCT. [R]
- Build New Muscle Tissue Cells – Build new muscle tissue cells with one of the best dietary supplements currently on the market to boost HGH.
- Increased Human Growth Hormone – HGH is expensive, but with MK 677 you can get the benefits of taking HGH boosting dietary supplements for 10% the cost.
- Faster Fat Loss & Burning Fat – While if you’re trying to lose fat MK 677 shouldn’t be your first choice, it’s still a phenomenal choice to recomp your body composition. [R]
- Same Benefits as Taking HGH – You’ll basically get all the same benefits as if you were taking straight HGH. This is why so many people add MK 677 to their SARMs stack.
Side effects
- Increased Insulin Sensitivity
General Information
- Recommended Dosage: 25mg/day
- Stacks Well With: RAD 140, Ligandrol
- Chemical Formula: C28H40N4O8S2
- MK 677 Half Life: 24 Hours
>> Click Here to Buy MK 677 for Sale From The #1 Vendor <<
Cardarine (GW-501516)
While Cardarine is technically not a SARM, but rather a PPAR Delta Receptor Agonist, again it is always lumped together with some of the best SARMs and in terms of cutting and endurance it’s easily one of the top dietary supplements out there, so we put it in this list.
In terms of dietary supplements, Cardarine is one of the best SARMs for cutting by far. Not only will it increase muscle mass, but it will laser-target fat cells and help burn fat and accelerate fat loss like no other SARM currently can.
It’s also insanely powerful when it comes to endurance. According to one study, for example, this compound literally increased endurance by 216% in lab rats compared to Placebo. [R]
- Increase Lean Mass – C Dine 501516 as its known is one of the best SARMs supplements on the market right now for increasing lean muscle mass. [R]
- Prevent Muscle Wasting – When you take Cardarine together with a SARMs stack, it makes it very easy to prevent muscle wasting while on a cutting cycle.
- Improved Fat Loss – C Dine 501516 is a phenomenal way to body burn fat. It won’t decrease your natural testosterone production either, so no PCT required. [R]
- Massively Enhanced Endurance – In terms of endurance, no other SARMs supplements even come close to C Dine 501516. This is by far the best SARM for endurance.
- Increased Energy Levels – Boost energy levels too (which makes it easier to lose fat) when on a Cardarine cycle.
- Better Bone Health – One of the benefits of taking C Dine 501516 is to improve your bone density and overall bone health, at least according to clinical research. [R]
- Improved Cholesterol Levels – C Dine 501516 is a phenomenal agent to improve cholesterol. In fact, that’s why many users often combine C Dine 501516 with their other SARMs while on a cycle or stack.
Side Effects
- No Known Side Effects [R]
General Information
- Recommended Dosage: 10-20mg/day
- Stacks Well With: Ostarine, Andarine
- Chemical Formula: C21H18F3NO3S2
- Cardarine Half Life: 12-24 Hours
>> Click Here to Buy Cardarine for Sale From The #1 Vendor <<
Frequently Asked Questions
What Are Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators (SARMs)?
SARMs are a new class of drugs that bodybuilders take in place of anabolic steroids, for the benefits they provide while still having a relatively high safety profile. SARMs are known for increasing muscle mass, enhancing fat loss, improving muscle strength, and boosting energy levels, without any of the toxic side effects that steroids have, like severe liver damage. Using SARMs, one can lose weight and build muscle without having to use anabolic steroids.
Where to Buy SARMs
Nanotech Project has a great review of the best places to buy SARMs for your reference, but currently, according to our research, the two best SARMs vendors are currently PureRawz and Behemoth Labz, although they sell much more than just SARMs.
We love PureRawz, because they’ve been around since the very beginning. Ever since 2014 they’ve been supplying the world with high quality research chemicals and have built up a die-hard fanbase since then due to their great customer support, amazing prices, awesome weekly sales, and overall purity of their products.
Behemoth Labz is another phenomenal place to buy SARMs for cutting, SARMs for bulking, and just some of the best SARMs available in general. One cycle of the SARMs for sale from PureRawz and you’ll experience tons of muscle growth, lose fat, gain strength, and totally transform your body in just a few short months.
How to Take SARMs
Taking SARMs is very simple. Whether you’re trying to take SARMs to build lean muscle tissue, encourage new muscle growth, lose excess fat, or to build strength, it’s all the same.
First you should decide what the best dosage is for your goal, and which SARM you want to take. For example, if your goal is to gain muscle mass, and you don’t care if it’s lean muscle mass or if you burn fat on cycle or not, then Ligandrol is probably your best bet.
Under each SARM, we listed the ideal dosage. If you’re a beginner, consider starting off at the smaller end of the dosage spectrum. SARMs are extremely powerful and just a small dosage will encourage fat loss and build muscle, so you don’t need to use much.
Ideally you should consume your dosage at the same time every day to maintain an even level of the compound in your blood. It doesn’t matter so much when you take them each day, just that you take them at the same time each day.
Personally, I prefer to take them first thing in the morning, just to keep things simple.
What Are The Best SARMs for Cutting?
If you’re looking to build some lean mass and lose weight, you’re probably trying to figure out the best SARMs for cutting right now. Well, don’t worry. These potent SARMs will help accelerate your weight loss and destroy new fat cells faster than you thought possible.
Here’s the best SARMs stack for cutting:
- Ostarine MK 2866 (20mg per day)
- Cardarine GW 501516 (10mg per day)
- Testolone RAD 140 (10mg per day)
When you combine these SARMs supplements you’ll experience some insane results.
What Are The Best SARMs for Bulking?
If you’re trying to find the best SARMs for bulking, look no further. I’ve been researching this industry for over 5 years now, and based on my experience here’s what I’d put as number one.
- Testolone RAD 140 (10mg per day)
- Ibutamoren MK 677 (25mg per day)
- Ligandrol LGD 4033 (10mg per day)
If you take all of these SARMs in conjunction with one another, you’ll cut off massive amounts of fat and completely transform your physique in just a few months.
How Much Lean Muscle Mass Will I Keep?
In other words, will you lose all your gains after your SARMs cycle? Thankfully not, no. If you keep working out hard and pushing yourself in the gym, you’ll keep about 85% of the muscle you gain on a SARMs cycle, and you’ll keep 100% of the fat off that you burnt.
Do You Have A Discount Code?
Yes, we do! Just use the code “MD15” and you’ll get 15% off any of these SARMs for Sale. The discount code lasts forever, so you can re-use it time and time again, as well.
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