
Charlotte Ehrlich, Assistant Campus Editor

Northwestern chemistry Prof. Chad Mirkin received the 2022 Faraday Medal from the Institution of Engineering and Technology, according to a Thursday news release.

Mirkin, who has taught at the University since 1991, is the first NU scholar to win the award — the highest honor given by the IET for notable scientific or industrial achievement. His work has focused on developing biological and chemical diagnostic and therapeutic systems.

“When people talk about world-class interdisciplinary research leaders, Chad Mirkin is at the top of the list,” NU Vice President for Research Milan Mrksich said in the release. “This latest honor is a well-deserved recognition of his leadership at Northwestern and in the nanotechnology field.” 

Mirkin also invented high-area rapid printing technology, such as a 3D printing process that can produce hard, elastic or ceramic parts at record-breaking quantities. He’s also pioneered research in artificial intelligence-based materials discovery.

Mirkin’s the co-founder of the companies TERA-print and Azul 3D, which both help transition nanotechnology advances to life science, biomedical and advanced manufacturing industries. 

“The people that have won in the past constitute a who’s who list of those that have changed the world through science and engineering,” Mirkin said in the release. “I am obviously absolutely thrilled to be among that crew.” 

Mirkin was honored at a ceremony in London on Thursday evening. 

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