Fawoo Nanotech develops nanobubble generator to produce hydrogen in large quantities

Fawoo Nanotech develops nanobubble generator to produce hydrogen in large quantities

[Courtesy of Fawoo Nanotech]

SEOUL — Fawoo Nanotech, an Industrial process control equipment manufacturer in South Korea, claimed to have developed an innovative nanobubble generator to produce hydrogen in large quantities. The device turns seawater and carbon dioxide into nanobubbles and combines electrons from chlorine. It is effective in producing a large amount of hydrogen and reducing carbon dioxide.

Nanobubbles, which are 70-120 nanometers in size, are efficient in the delivery of oxygen and other gas. They can be formed using any gas and injected into any liquid. Due to their size, nanobubbles exhibit unique properties that improve numerous physical, chemical, and biological processes.

A miniaturized experimental device produced more than 15 liters of hydrogen at 30wh, Fawoo said, adding that it has a breakthrough effect in reducing carbon dioxide because 44 tons of carbon dioxide or more is required to produce one ton of hydrogen.

Unlike the conventional hydrogen generation method that requires complex facilities, pipes, and liquefaction to transport hydrogen, Fawoo said its method can generate and use hydrogen without separate transmission and distribution facilities if only a certain amount of seawater and carbon dioxide are supplied.

In September 2020, Fawoo teamed up with Global Oriental Berhad, an investment holding company based in Malaysia, to explore opportunities for the distribution of nanobubble products. Fawoo’s nano bubble generator produces ozone nanobubble water that unifies the natural cleaning power of water. 

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Peyman Taeidi

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