DBT to support multi institutional CoEs for nano─vaccines and nano─adjuvants development

The Department of Biotechnology (DBT) is extending support to the institutions and scientists to set up Centres of Excellence in the country for nano-vaccines and nano-adjuvants, to treat cancer and other diseases.

The Department has invited Letters of Intent (LoIs) for ‘Setting up of CoE in Nano-Vaccines & Nano-Adjuvants’ for a period of five years for consideration and possible funding with a goal to support multi institutional/multi-investigator projects for the development of technologies in India for nano-vaccines and nano-adjuvants for safe and effective nano-vaccines.

“With advancement in nanosciences, nanotechnology based solutions have been explored extensively for their role in vaccine development. Nano-vaccines have the potential to induce both cell-mediated and antibody-mediated immunity and can render long-lasting immunogenic memory,” said DBT in its request for LoI.

“With development of vaccines towards compositions of nano scale, there is a need for formulations that improve the effectiveness of antigens and adjuvants for vaccines. Despite encouraging results in recent development of nanoscience, there are still challenges to be tackled and R&D is required in area of vaccine development for effective co-loading of antigen and adjuvant; and also for fundamental understanding of in vivo behaviour of nanoparticles regarding targeted delivery, antigen presentation, stimulation of body’s innate immunity, strong T cell response combined with safety to combat infectious diseases and cancers,” it added.

LoIs in response to this grant call will require multidisciplinary, multi-institutional and inter ministerial efforts and collaborations to succeed. Therefore, a team of clinical researchers/basic scientists/pharmacologists/health care experts, with necessary skills and expertise required to carry out the proposed research are invited to submit the LoI with a maximum limit of 1000 words through their Institution/organization/university, explains DBT.

The focus of the LoI is expected to be effective co-loading of antigen and adjuvant in nano-vaccines; nanoparticle-Based Vaccines Against Respiratory Viruses and other challenging pathogens; clinical trials and implementation of nano-vaccine for effective cancer & other disease treatment; strategies to improve efficacy of nano-vaccines: with improved targeted delivery, antigen presentation, stimulation of body’s innate immunity, strong T cell response combined with safety to combat infectious diseases and cancers; establishment of safe, affordable non therapeutic agent for vaccine development; regulatory testing methods; development of broad spectrum vaccines; and development of safe and effective nano-vaccines for emerging communicable and non-communicable diseases, among others.

The deadline for submission of LoI is December 31, 2022. Applications are expected to have defined Milestones and Timelines detailing how the project will move forward with identified deliverables and expected outcomes.

Peyman Taeidi

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