Loving life is the name of the game, says CAROL VORDERMAN

Carol Vorderman reveals she is ill with the flu
You name it, it gets a score, which might sound odd, but it isn’t. And here is the sole rule – you can only play the game if you believe that seven out of 10 is a win.
You see, if you believe 7/10 is a win, it, by default, becomes 10/10, which is also a win. There is no difference. A win is a win. The “Marks out of ten” game works because (and I don’t know why) your brain switches naturally from negative thoughts to positive ones as it goes rummaging for points to add to the score.
A small example might be if you went Christmas shopping for presents, the car park was full, and you didn’t manage to get everything you needed.
For many, the brain might focus on the negatives – there are already two in the description. But if I asked you to play marks out of ten, even though the events themselves remain exactly the same, your brain and heart do something very different.
Are you ready, marks out of 10… Think about the same day but imagine answering my questions:
Q. “When you went Christmas shopping, did you tick off most things on your present list”. A. “Yes, I got nearly everything.” Two points scored.
Q. “It’s so nice to see the Christmas lights sparkling this year isn’t it, after all the worry of the lockdowns and not feeling so safe before?” A. “Oh yes, they were so pretty, I love it when they twinkle, always have since I was a child.” Another two points scored.
Q. “How good was that Christmas coffee we had at Carluccio’s? A. “We haven’t been for ages, and the waiter dressed up in his Christmas jumper with bells on that he kept waving around. Ha?” “Awww, it was so lovely to have a bit of time together, and yes he made me smile.” Another two points scored.
Q. “And music blaring out everywhere and carol singers trying their best, do you remember that when we were kids?” A. “Yes, just felt good to be alive to be honest.” Two points scored. Marks out of 10? Well, so far it’s an 8/10. And that my friends is a win – so hooray and let’s have a drink to celebrate.
‘If you believe 7/10 is a win, it, by default, becomes 10/10, which is also a win’ (Image: Getty)
Here are my ups and downs of this year. If it reads like a long list of ups – it is, because that is how I view life because of the Marks out of 10 game. I’ve known poverty and heartbreak and I’ve known grief and in all of the things from the year I list, there were a few downs but I’ve made the 7/10 scores 10/10 in my head.
And that’s the magic of life. Now come along with me as I award my marks out of 10 for my year…
Juicy Oasis
I always run off to Portugal at the beginning of the year for a reset. It’s my kind of place, beautiful but not remotely posh, on a lakeside, where you live in leggings and a dressing gown, wear no make-up, get plenty of exercise and spend hours a day in a big hot spa pool chatting to people, enjoying fresh air and good juices before going to bed by 8pm to be up early again. With this, the year definitely started on a 10/10.
I’ve always spent a lot of time making sure my health is as good as it can be – and I got rid of creaky joints by experimenting with some new supplements this year. High-strength turmeric shots worked a treat. And I started learning how to do the splits, what a difference in just four weeks. Boooooom! 9/10.
General Mischief
Yep, that too. 10/10
Top Gun premiere
I’m a pilot and I’m hooked on flying. So when the Top Gun: Maverick premiere came up in the diary, I dressed in my finest flying suit and got a badge with the name “MATH-ERICK” (could have gone for “Top Sum”?) sewn on to it. What a night. What a movie! 10/10
Katie, my daughter, receiving her PhD
My daughter Katie graduated with her PhD in nanotechnology from Cambridge. Proud mother as ever. A beautiful weekend. 10/10
The Carol Vorderman Buttery
Education is my passion, as is trying to help young people with free maths lessons and bursaries for students from a similar background to mine, so I was beyond humbled to have part of my old Cambridge College named after me,The CarolVorderman Buttery.
Usually, parts of Cambridge colleges are named after men who are no longer with us, but I’m a woman and very much alive!
Sidney Sussex College Cambridge has always been a great advocate for helping children from state schools. I was a comprehensive kid on free school meals when I started studying at Cambridge and I was just 17 years old. Sidney Sussex, thank you for everything. 10/10
Pilot Carol dressed to impress at the Top Gun movie premiere (Image: Getty)
Cameron’s Bristol graduation
My son, Cameron, born with severe learning difficulties, graduated with a First Class Degree in animation from the University of the West of England, Bristol, two years ago. He then went on to gain his Masters degree from Dundee University. But both happened during Covid so his Bristol degree ceremony only took place in summer, in our football stadium, Ashton Gate.
It was incredible. Music blaring, a small stage set up in front of part of the grandstand, so happy and well organised. When you know the effort a child with learning difficulties has had to make, for many years, then it’s extra special. Cameron, you’re a superstar. 10/10
ITV This Morning
decided I wanted to go back to work on the telly this year, and the “bosses” have been so unbelievably kind. Hosting all sorts of shows, including as ever the Pride of Britain Awards, but in recent months I was asked to become part of the ITV This Morning family, working with my friend of many years Gyles Brandreth.
Thank you to everyone at This Morning. I absolutely love being with you. 10/10
40 years on the telly
On November 2, 1982, Countdown was the first show on the new Channel 4. Richard Whiteley was the first man to appear and I was the first woman talking, well mumbling “hello” anyway. So on Channel 4’s 40th anniversary, I celebrated mine too. We will be forever linked.
Those 23 blissful, joyous, mischievous, happy years followed with Whiters, King Dick, The Mayor of Wetwang. After Richard’s passing in 2005, three more years followed and then I left. I can only be grateful for those happiest of times, and to anyone reading who was a part of that, may I please say thank you for being a Countdowner (Whiters’ and my name for all of us) and being part of the Countdown family.
Genuine love all around, so thank you. 40/40 And there we are. If bad things happened, I’ve either forgotten them or worked them out, or they made me stronger. That’s the power of the Marks out of 10 game. Try it, you’ll see.
Have a wonderful week and please do let me know your scores. I’m very nosey and always happy to receive.
Happy New Year and sending love as ever.