Avengers vs. X-Men: Who Is The Strongest Team In The Marvel Movie Universe?

Avengers vs. X-Men: Who Is The Strongest Team In The Marvel Movie Universe?

If you are a fan of Marvel movies, comics, or both, you might have thought who would win if we were to see an Avengers vs. X-Men. Although we have seen this fight in the comics, like Batman vs. Superman movie, there wasn’t a winner, and the two teams joined forces to fight a greater threat.

But today, we are pitting two of the strongest team in Marvel or even the superhero universe. Today we’re talking about just who would win in a fight between The Avengers and The X-Men.

And like all the “vs.” articles, this fight will only take place between Marvel movie characters. And being a big Marvel fan, I have seen both FOX’s X-Men and MCU’s Avengers movies multiple times, including solo movies.

And because of this, I have gathered a lot of info on both of these Marvel teams. Even though one of the teams is my favorite, I won’t be partial here, and we will find out: Who Is The Strongest Team In The Marvel Movie Universe?

Avengers vs. X-Men

Before we get into the fight, I want to make some things clear. First, and again, this is what we’ve seen from the movies, not necessarily the comics. Because if we use comics, things might get a little overcomplicated. But don’t worry, and we will talk about what happened in X-Men vs. Avengers comics at the end of the movie comparison.

Avengers in Age Of UltronAvengers in Age Of Ultron

Avengers in Age Of Ultron

Secondly, no, we are not pitting every single Avengers member against every single X-Men member. Because there are a lot of them, like almost every superhero in the MCU is an Avengers now.

We’ll start with these one-on-one battles for each of our favorite heroes and then move to a massive 3 v 3 battle. Who would win between Wolverine and Iron Man? Captain America vs. Cyclops? Storm vs. Thor? That’s what we’re here today to find out.

Ironman vs. Wolverine

All right, we’re gonna start with the big one, Wolverine vs. Iron Man. I think Wolverine could destroy Iron Man. For like a simple reason, too, remember how easily Thanos stabbed Tony on Titan in Infinity War. Wolverine’s adamantium claws would do the exact same thing.

Pierce Tony’s armor and get into that fleshy, gooey human part. It may take a few strikes, but Wolverine can endure anything that Tony throws at him enough to get close and stab him and win. Wolverine had a high chance of winning.

But then, if we again point out that moment when Thanos stabbed Tony. One, Tony didn’t die. He fixed himself. But two, we’re talking about one of the smartest people in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and probably the smartest person if we were to bring him over to the X-Men universe.

We’re talking about a guy in a universe where Adamantium exists. Don’t you think he’s making a suit out of Adamantium as the Silver Samurai did in The Wolverine? Wolverine had nothing against that.

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But then, on the other hand, Tony is too preoccupied and thinks his nanotech is going to be the best thing. He sees his nanotech ability surrounding him and thinks he’s safe.

And then, no, it’s gonna work because Adamantium is such a hard and dense metal. That’s a horrible thing to make a suit out of. That is not the type of style that Tony Stark is when he fights, and that’s why we’ll bring such a great weapon against Tony Stark.

Because Wolverine is a brute force, a dense person who’s just gonna walk up and repel any attack that Tony Stark uses and then by getting close, he can take him out with a few well-placed strikes. Then Tony’s style, as we know, is to adapt to the fighter he is fighting.

That’s why we see him wear Hulkbuster armor. That’s why we see him make all these different suits in Iron Man 3 that each have like different abilities depending on whom he’s fighting.

Hulkbuster in Avengers Age Of UltronHulkbuster in Avengers Age Of Ultron

Hulkbuster in Avengers Age Of Ultron

Wolverine Can Withstand Ironman’s Blasts

So I think it’s perfectly reasonable to think Iron Man could make a suit out of Adamantium that Wolverine couldn’t necessarily pierce. The problem Ironman gonna have getting over Wolverine’s healing factor, obviously.

But I think the guy is smart, and I think there’s a way he could come around it. It was sort of hinted in X-Men Origins: Wolverine that if you cut a healer’s head off, maybe that does the job. I think Tony could figure that out. Plus, if Tony keeps his distance, he can’t even get near it.

Wolverine is just this unrelenting force keeping moving forward. Tony Stark’s whole fighting style is his blasters, blasting, repulsing, and all these beams that he shoots at him. That’s Tony’s go-to thing. How does that work against someone who literally bounces off energy blasts and he keeps going forward?

Look at how much pain Wolverine stood in in The Last Stand movie when Phoenix was blasting all that dark energy, dissolving him, and he was coming back instantly.

Do you think that Phoenix’s energy is not as powerful as Tony Stark’s blast? No, the Phoenix stuff is way more powerful. Anything Tony shoots at him, and even as he tries to keep his distance, it isn’t gonna work. Because Wolverine is just gonna go into a berserker rage and just Wolverine out. He will use his intense speed, his agility, and his anger just to get close and take him out when it’s necessary.

In a one-on-one fight with no technology, obviously, Wolverine wins this. But we’re talking about a guy named Tony Stark, with given time, he can solve anything. He literally saved the entire universe from a guy who wanted to kill half of it.

Tony would think of a way to overcome Wolverine’s healing factor, and he would study it. He might trap Wolverine the way he tried to trap Hulk. It didn’t work, but he could figure out a way to keep Wolverine subdued and study him and figure out a way to overcome his healing factor.

Who Would Win A Fight Between Ironman and Wolverine?

Yes, when he tried to subdue the Hulk, it didn’t work. Maybe when he tries to subdue Wolverine, it might also not work. Because you can’t contain the beast, or else the beast gets angry (I believe Wolverine said that at one point.

It doesn’t matter how smart Tony is, or how tricky or how sarcastic or how quippy Tony Stark is in the situation when you’re facing down the unrelenting rage of Wolverine, who wants to do everything in your power to destroy you. Wolverine is going to overcome it no matter what.

Wolverine withstanding Pheonix Blast in Last StandWolverine withstanding Pheonix Blast in Last Stand

Wolverine withstanding Pheonix Blast in Last Stand

But Tony Stark did stop the Hulk. He didn’t trap him at the beginning of that fight in Age of Ultron, but he did end up stopping him. He overcame the strongest being in the universe, the Incredible Hulk. He might be able to overcome the rage of Wolverine and subdue him long enough to figure out how to overcome his healing ability.

But in the end, all I’m saying is that it’s gonna be a close fight when you have the smartest, quickest man in the galaxy versus this unrelenting force of nature. But if you really want the answer to Who would win between Tony Stark and Iron Man?

If both of them are told that they are going to fight and have time for preparation. I think that Tony will definitely come up with a plan to beat Wolverine and win this match. But if both of them are thrown into the fight without notifying them, then Wolverine can tear apart Ironman for the win. Now, let’s kind of move on to our next 1 v 1 fight.

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Captain America vs. Cyclops

The second fight in Avengers vs X-men is going to be the leaders of the team, Captain America versus Cyclops. Who wins between these two? One of these two has died, and the other has not. Captain America can clearly win this. He’s the better tactician in the field. He leads The Avengers, not only in The Avengers but also in Civil War. He clearly has a strategy in battle, and he’s the guy who just keeps going.

If you wanna blast him with Cyclops’ Ray vision or whatever, just think of that moment in The Avengers where he gets hit with the Chitori blast, and Thor asks him to get up, and he says what you get in sleepy? Cap is a guy that will keep going, his shield will definitely hold up against Cyclops, and he has the upper hand on him in combat.

In combat, sure, if Cap’s close to close with Cyclops. But the problem is Captain America is not a ranged fighter. He has one attack he has, and he throws his shield and kind of hopes that it comes back to him. If Cyclops can find a way to negate that, then it’s game over. And I think absolutely the force of Cyclops’ laser blast is on another level in comparison to Chitori blasts.

Cyclops blast in X- MenCyclops blast in X- Men

Cyclops blast in X- Men

If the shield is thrown at him and he uses his laser blast to stop it, the laser blasts are gonna win, and the shield is gonna stop. And then Captain America has no-range attacks. And it doesn’t matter how many Cap can do this all day or how many blasts he can take. Because he’s not getting close to a Cyclops enough to take him out.

It’s like if Cyclops can keep Cap at a distance he can overpower him. That’s the number one advantage against Cap; distance. And that’s what Cyclops is meant for, that’s what his powers are for. And even though he’s not as great a tactician as he is in the comics.

Because the Fox franchise totally ruined the technician side of him. It doesn’t matter when all you have to do is keep Cap in a reasonable space and keep blasting him until he stays down forever.

Captain America Can Distract Cyclops And Beat Him In A Fist Fight

Cyclops’ laser pointers couldn’t even kill old man Magneto in the original X-Men. Blast him in the shoulder, and he just gets up and he’s fine. Cap’s shield can definitely withstand the blasts of Cyclops, and all he has to do is create a distraction. Because Cyclops only has one thing he can shoot at a time. A Cap’s gotta do is create a distraction because Cyclops only has one thing he can shoot at a time.

All Cap’s got to do is create a distraction, he gets in close, and he wins hand-to-hand easily. Cyclops is not a hand-to-hand fighter, his whole gimmick is to keep people at a distance because that’s how he blasts them.

But his blasts aren’t even that strong. Vibranium would definitely hold up against it. Cap being the smart statistician in the MCU movies, would definitely think of a plan to distract Scott for a little bit, enough to get in close and subdue him and easily win. Cap can win this, hands down.

If it’s just them on the field, then there’s no way that Cyclops is gonna get distracted. The movies only made him distracted because Jean Grey kept showing up and you know just ruining him and Wolverine. But if it’s just him, completely focused on the battle, then there’s no way that he’s going to be distracted. There’s no way he’s gonna let a trick be pulled over on him. There’s no way he’s going to let Captain get close.

Captain America throwing shieldCaptain America throwing shield

Captain America throws the shield

Who Would Win In A Fight Between Captain America And Cyclops?

Captain America may throw his shield, and I’m not saying that the shield is going to be destroyed by it. All I’m saying is that if Captain America throws his shield, which is his only ranged attack that he has, the blasts are gonna stop it. It’s gonna stop the shield in his tracks. And then Captain America doesn’t have a shield. Then he has to pick it up and try again, and it’s not gonna work.

And even if he does get close, and even if the focus laser blast doesn’t work against him, then Scott has to have the ability to completely unleash if he takes off his visor if he lets his full power unleashed upon himself.

Say Captain America is beating him to a pulp, and Scott knocks off his visor thing. Then it’s gonna be a bad day for everyone involved because look what it does when it’s not restrained. It destroys everything in its path, and that’s why it’s gonna melt Captain America.

This little kid from Brooklyn took a punch from the Mad Titan Thanos. I think he can handle Scott’s laser blast, which all we’ve seen them destroy in movies is a tree when he couldn’t control it. It was he who destroyed Charles Xavier’s favorite tree; that’s it.

Cap is much tougher than a tree, and Cap can take a blast. As for the shield, when he throws it, he knows it’s coming back to him because he throws it in a way because he’s so dynamic with his shield. He knows it comes back to him because he wants it to.

There’s no way Cap loses. His shield can protect against the blast. Even if it doesn’t, he can create a distraction with his shield. So while Scott’s busy blasting the shield, that’s when cab moves in to finish the job. I just think this would be a good fit. This would be a very interesting fight. But at the end of the day, Cap will take the win.

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Thor vs. Strom

The final fight in Avengers vs. X-men, the big one between some good weather people, we have Thor vs. Strom. I know Storm is the underdog here, and this one is going to be a tough battle, but here’s why I think, I think Storm can win overall. Also, for this fight, let’s consider Thor from the ending fight in the Endgame. Because Thor Love and Thunder was a joke, and I don’t want to recall any of its scenes.

Thor in Avengers EndgameThor in Avengers Endgame

Thor in Avengers Endgame

Ok, so considering Thor from the Endgame, he is getting Dumber and more traumatized as we go on. If this is the current Thor, the Thor that we know from the Endgame, then Thor will not be focused on his surroundings.

And it’s the surroundings that are going to disorient and defeat Thor when Storm brings in all of her magical weather abilities to completely disrupt the atmosphere and surrounding around her to distract Thor long enough to win.

But on the other hand, Thor helped kill Thanos. He said let’s kill him properly this time. He grabbed two hammers, and then he went and took care of business. This is a guy who’s been fighting for 1500 years; he also controls an aspect of the weather, lightning would have no effect on him, and he is the God of Thunder.

And if Thor, again, similar to Cyclops and Captain America, if Thor gets even close, there’s not even a comparison between their hand-to-hand combat.

Storm can use all the weather she wants to try and keep them away. But Thor has fought on the fields all over the universe. He’s fought in the bitter cold, and he’s fought in extreme heat; he’s fought in everything. I don’t think there’s anything Storm can do to keep Thor at Bay.

But what Strom can’t do is destroy who he is deep down and hurt him where he is obviously vulnerable, which is his psyche. Because look what happened in Thor Ragnarok, pacifically he learned that he was the God of Thunder and lightning, and he didn’t need his hammer to channel all this energy and lightning to him.

So he thinks that’s his big thing. So when he uses the lightning and Storm literally can suck that away from it and controls the lightning that he’s producing. This is going to breakthrough down and send him into another traumatized state where he goes searching for the cheese whiz. She’s going to break Thor down with the use of lightning and rob that from Thor and win this fight.

Strom Can Suck Out Oxygen Around Thor

But on the other hand, Thor watched his mother die, his father died, and his brother died, and he still was in a fighting mood. He still took on Thanos in Wakanda. Yes, he didn’t go for the head, but he won that fight.

I think Thor was noticing that someone else has the power to control lightning wouldn’t quite be enough to take him out of the fight emotionally. I think Storm would have to kill half of the universe in order for Thor to be in the mental state we see him in Endgame, and I don’t think Storm can do that.

Storm lighting in X-MenStorm lighting in X-Men

Storm lighting in X-Men

I think Thor, without the lighting or without even the hammer, Thor wins in a fight. We see this in Thor Ragnarok when he fights the Hulk. Even before he gets the big lightning strike, Thor is going hand in hand and comments with the Hulk. If you’re gonna tell me Storm can fight the Hulk hand to hand, I’m gonna tell you you’re wrong.

Hand-to-hand combat is not gonna be Storm’s strength, but the Storm’s real true strength is, is the atmosphere around it. And I think that’s something that Thor has shown to like not to be advised. Because sure, he goes straight in, and he starts attacking, he starts wailing, and he doesn’t focus on what’s going on around him while it’s happening.

Storm is going to create all this, the fog, the tsunami, the Hurricanes. She’s gonna use everything weather-wise just to completely throw Thor off and keep them off this game. And that was too long enough to disorient him enough to suck the air right out of him.

Because he still needs to breathe, as strong as Thor is, he still needs oxygen, e still needs to breathe the air that’s kind of around. Even if breathing is enhanced and he can survive a little bit in space. Storm can literally suck all the oxygen out from inside of him, then Storm’s gonna win this fight.

Also, she’s taking the oxygen from Thor, not from the area around her. So when Thor can’t breathe, he maybe gets a little weaker, and then the tsunamis and the hurricanes and the Fogger just keep him out of there. This will make Thor disoriented, and he has no more lightning anymore, so he can’t use it because Storm is using his lightning. And this thing just throws him all off, and it makes him kind of give up.

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Who Would Win In A Fight Between Thor And Strom?

But yeah, Thor’s no one trick pony. He’s. Not just the lightning guy. Remember, in the original Thor movie, he creates his own cyclone and defeats the Destroyer with that. Thor knows his way around the weather as well. I think if Thor gets close enough to Storm, she can’t create the bubble that sucks away the oxygen. And even if she does, we’ve seen Thor survive in space.

Thor's lighting in Infinty warThor's lighting in Infinty war

Thor’s lighting in Infinity war

Even if she does create that bubble that sucks out his oxygen, it still gives Thor 10 minutes, a half hour, or however long he was floating in space to survive and focus long enough to defeat Storm. And after thinking a lot, I think Thor will be able to defeat Strom because he has been fighting for more than 1000 years.

And over the course of this, he would have fought all different kinds of being. So he definitely had the edge with a lot of experience. Also, Thor is the God of Thunder.

The Final Match: The Avengers vs The X-Men

Let’s get into kind of our final things: X-Men vs. Avengers. We’ve been talking about one-on-one battles for a bit, but now let’s do something fun and put them on the same team as each other. It will be 3 on 3 battle. Who do you think would work best as a team, as a cohesive unit fighting together? And who could overcome the other team?

We have the premier battle tactician in Captain America. We’ve seen him prove it in The Avengers with the way he calls out the team and assigns them positions. We’ve seen it in Captain America Civil War, and we’ve seen it in Avengers Infinity War and Endgame. Captain America is the clear best leader of a team among these six people.

So, Captain does that. He has Tony securing the perimeter, he has Tony keeping people out of distance, and he has Thor being the big gun. Caps clearly knows how to use these team members. They’ve been fighting together for long enough that I think Captain being Avengers team gives them the advantage.

Yeah, Cap is the best leader among all of the six people. But the team he has to lead is full of these separate personalities overall.

You have Cap doing his thing, you have Tony Stark who’s going to do his own thing, and you have Thor who’s gonna want to do his own thing, and it’s incredibly difficult to rein them in and fight as a three-by-three team. And that’s why I think the X-Men team might actually have the advantage. Because their powers actually complement everything in the situation that you need.

Wolverine and StromWolverine and Strom

Wolverine and Strom

X-Men have the strength, and they have strategy and environment, kind of all locked down. Storm could disrupt Tony’s sensors and everything within the whole environment with these extreme weather conditions that makes it very difficult to fight. Cyclops can keep Thor and Cap at Bay with his very powerful, very strong laser beams.

And if they do get close, Wolverine can stab and hunt them because of his predatory senses that aren’t disrupted by the weather. That makes it easier for him to see all in Storm’s weather. So I think as a team, as a unit, these three people work much better than the Avengers.

Chemistry Between The Team Members

But then again, if we are talking about a lack of chemistry between the Avengers team. Are things between Tony and Cap worse than between Cyclops and Wolverine? All they do for three movies is fight. Cyclops and Wolverine don’t get along, and they don’t work well together. Storm will spend all of her time trying to rein those two in and get them to work together. But it’s not gonna work because they never do.

Here’s what can happen: The first thing Tony does when making a suit is freeze when he gets too high. I’m sure he can adjust to inclement weather. I’m sure he will have made a suit that will be prepared for all weather situations.

Thor is clearly the best fighter on the team here. Thor is the one who creates those distractions. I talked about when Cap was fighting Cyclops one-on-one. Cyclops gets distracted once, one of the other three people takes him out easy, and then it’s a two-on-three-fight.

There’s no way Cyclops last long in this 3V3 fight. And then Storm, as I said, will be distracted by the other members of her team. And then we have two people, Ironman and Thor can easily withstand whatever she wants to throw at them, and they can take her out together.

It’s a pick them off one by one, and then we have Wolverine left. Guess what? With the three people left on one side, all they gotta do is trap him and wait for him to die of old age.

But that may be a hypocritical way to win the battle. Because it seems like this way is just each one working individually and going against each other. And at the end of the day, that’s not true teamwork. And yeah, Wolverine and Cyclops can at least work better Together.

Cause sure, they gripe, but they never come to blows, they never almost killed each other, and they never almost destroyed the entire world because they couldn’t get over their differences (obviously talking about Cap and Tony).

Thor, Captain America, and IronmanThor, Captain America, and Ironman

Thor, Captain America, and Ironman

Cap and Tony are two very stubborn, very strong-willed, very different men who cannot work together in the long term when it comes to strategy and thinking about what’s right. They’re gonna think about how to approach this battle in completely different ways. And that’s going to cause conflict, and it’s going to cause a rift, and that’s going to make them disoriented enough for the X-Men team to fully swoop in and beat them.

And Thor is the big gun on this team. If Thor is there, then it’s gonna be a problem. But there’s enough of a way to keep Thor off balance with Storm’s weather with a Cyclops’ blast. Then Wolverine can at least take out Captain America and Iron Man. And then I think together, all three X-Men can take out Thor or at least incapacitate him enough to win this fight in the end.

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Who Will Win In A Fight Between The Avengers And The X-Men?

But yeah, Cap and Tony fought in Civil War. They didn’t wake up in time for Infinity War. But we can’t forget the fact that this team proved they could work together in Avengers Endgame. They proved that they could get the job done together as a team.

Not only do they have the best chemistry fighting together, but you see it in the way they combine their weapons. Tony will fire his blasters off Caps Shield, and Thor will hit Caps Shield with his hammer and create a Sonic wave.

That is just a sign that these people know how to work together. They know who each other is as a team, and they know how to fight together. They will work together to take out the Cyclops. Once Cyclops is out, they will work together to take out Storm.

Storm will only be distracted by Tony while Thor and Cap go up behind her. It’s all teamwork, and it’s not people acting individually. I definitely think Avengers will win in a fight against this team of X-Men.

Avengers vs X-Men In Comics

Now we’re matching two of the most popular teams in all of the comic books against one another, with The Avengers versus the X-Men. These two teams have faced off in comics several times over the years, like in the 1987’s X-Men vs. Avengers 4 issue miniseries and the more recent X-Men vs. Avengers 12 issue miniseries from 2012 as examples.

Avengers vs X-Men in comicsAvengers vs X-Men in comics

Avengers vs. X-Men in comics

But those stories have typically ended in a stalemate. Or with the two teams having to put their differences aside to fight an even greater mutual threat. In this section, I thought it would be fun to give you my prediction of who would win if these two iconic superhero teams ever fought to the last man. And the outcome might surprise you. So hold on to your butts, and let’s find out which team reigns supreme.

If you have read any of our “vs.” articles before, you know we start these things off with a brief summary of each character or team’s origin.

X-Men In Comics

So let’s kick this off with the X-Men. The X-Men debuted in X-Men issue 1 in 1963. The team was formed by Professor Charles Francis Xavier. He dreamed of peaceful coexistence between mutants and humans, which, let’s just say, didn’t really get along as there were evil ones that gave the good ones a bad name.

So Xavier being the powerful telepath he is, uses his powers to track down five young Mutants that could help him with his dream of forming the X-Men. A team of superheroes dedicated to protecting the world that fears and hates them, as well as protecting their fellow minutes.

So Xavier made an institute for Gifted Youngsters located in Westchester County, New York. And in the first issue, we’re thrown right into this university with the original X-Men lineup training in the Danger Room.

Which, I gotta say, is quite a way to open up a book, especially with new characters. Speaking of the original roster, the X-Men lineup consisted of Scott Slim Summers, AKA Cyclops. Bobby Drake, AKA Iceman; Hank McCoy, AKA Beast; Warren Worthington the third, AKA Angel, and of course, Jean Grey, AKA Marvel Girl.

We learned in the first issue of the X-Men, when Xavier introduces the newest student and member of the team, Marvel Girl, that his students receive an education at his school, but also, and more importantly for our purposes, learn how to fight to takedown evil mutants.

And, of course, while this is going on, we’re introduced to our First Evil mutant, who would become the leader of the Brotherhood of evil mutants, the Master of Magnetism, Magneto. He then causes a military rocket to crash, then takes over the military base all in the name of Mutant superiority.

Magnetos evil Mutant teamMagnetos evil Mutant team

Magneto’s evil Mutant team

Of course, this causes The X-Men to jump into action, giving us our first battle with the X-Men fighting Magneto. It’s a pretty long and epic battle, but in the end, Magneto escapes. And as we know, this would be the first of many, many battles between him and the X-Men.

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Avengers Comics Origins

But now let’s take a peek at how The Avengers first form. They first appeared in Avengers issue 1 in 1963. The founding members are Iron Man, Hulk, Thor, Ant-Man, and Wasp, and you can even count Captain America in there. Although he didn’t join until later due to him being frozen in a block of ice, he existed decades before and had some given the title the First Avenger.

The reason for them forming The Avengers was because of Loki, the Asgardian God of mischief. So what Loki did was he used his imagination and somehow managed to play with Hulk’s mind and made him destroy a railroad track. Doing this Loki wanted to lure out Thor so that he could battle him. Seeing Hulk’s rampage, Rick Jones sends a message to the Fantastic Four in order to take help from them to stop Hulk.

But Loki diverted this message to Thor, as I mentioned to lure him out into fighting him. But somehow, Ironman, Antman, and the Wasp also got this message and they joined forces together with Thor to stop the Hulk. Later they all came to know that Loki was behind this, so together now with hulk on their side took down Loki.

After working together and defeating Loki Antman said that all of them made a “hell of a team”. With everyone agreeing, they formed a team and became the Avengers.

Avengers in comicsAvengers in comics

Avengers in comics

Powers And Abilities

In any case, both teams, the X-Men and Avengers, have had a revolving door of members over the years, which is what makes this such an interesting battle. Speaking of X-men vs. Avengers, now it’s time to look at these teams’ powers and abilities. That’s gonna determine who wins this fight.

So essentially, every mutant has been a member of the X-Men at one point or another, and likewise every hero for The Avengers. This makes breaking down each team’s powers and abilities pretty Dang hard. So the easiest way to do this is to break down several of each of the team’s most powerful members over the years. And let’s start with the X-Men.

X-Men’s Powers And Abilities

First and foremost the one everybody is probably thinking of is Jean Grey. She is by far the most famous host for the Phoenix Force. Which is one of the most powerful forces in all of Marvel. But even without the Phoenix force, she’s an Omega-level mutant and one of the most powerful telepaths in Marvel.

She’s also an original member of the X-Men, which doesn’t mean anything power-wise, but definitely adds to her appearance on the team. Either way, it’s Jean Grey, everyone knows she’s one of the most powerful mutants ever.

Jean Grey in X-Men comicsJean Grey in X-Men comics

Jean Grey in X-Men comics

Next up you have Strom who is also an Omega-level mutant. Every mutant I’m gonna name is gonna be an Omega-level mutant, just so you know because that’s like the pinnacle of power for Mutants. Anyway, of course, Storms’s power is weather manipulation, which means she can literally destroy the earth if she wants to. More specifically for our purposes, she uses the weather to destroy her opponents.

Then, of course, we have Magneto now. Most of you are asking, isn’t he a bad guy in the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants? Yes, but he’s been a member of the X-Men on numerous occasions as well. What can I say, he’s the master of magnetism. The dude can literally kill you by manipulating the natural magnetic fields that humans give all.

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X Legion And Franklin Richards

Moving on, we have Iceman who has complete control of the cold and just moisture in general. He can obviously use his ice powers for numerous things, but one of the scariest is the Iceman could rip moisture from any living being’s body, leaving them nothing but a dried-up corpse.

And then of course we have the son of Professor X Legion. He possesses hundreds of mutants abilities ranging from telekinesis to reality warping, with each of them controlled by a different personality.

There’s also you know, Franklin Richards, AKA powerhouse, who’s a Mutant with the power of universal reality manipulation. The dude is literally capable of molecular and energy manipulation, time travel, superhuman durability, telepathy, telekinesis, and essentially the ability to create anything just by thinking of it. We even see he is capable of creating pocket dimensions all by just thinking about it.

Franklin Richards in comicsFranklin Richards in comics

Franklin Richards in comics

Hope Summers

There are a ton of other expert members I could mention like Emma Frost, Rogue, Polaris, Vulcan, and so on, but I’m gonna end by mentioning Hope Summers. She, of course, has got another Omega-level mutant and is the adopted daughter of Cable. And she is known as the Mutant Messiah, as she could literally copy the abilities of any Mutant and combine them all together within her.

Now I know what some of you were saying. Can’t Rogue do that just by touching someone? And yes, but Hope doesn’t even have to touch someone to do it and suffers no consequences like Rogue. Again, her power is literally the ability to control, amplify, synchronize, and even mimic the powers of other mutants. Within her immediate vicinity.

So if she’s fighting, let’s say, Franklin Richards, she will have Franklin Richards’ Powers, it’s insane. But enough to talk about the X-Men, I think you now realize they have crazy, Earth-shattering, universal warping members. So let’s move on to Earth’s Mightiest Heroes, The Avengers.

The Avengers’ Powers And Abilities

First and foremost, the Avengers have the Hulk. When you think of power in The Avengers, nine times out of 10, the first character someone’s gonna bring up is the green giant Hulk. And that’s simply because he’s their powerhouse hitter who lands the strongest punches. The greatest feat of his strength was shown during the World War Hulk event where he turned into World Breaker Hulk.

Case in point, in this other form, if you will, just the summoning of his power destroyed half of the east side of Las Vegas. He also has one of the best healing factors in all of comics and cannot be killed. I mean “Immortal Hulk,” everybody, it’s in the comics title.

Hulk in comicsHulk in comics

Hulk in comics

The next logical powerhouse to mention for The Avengers is, of course, the God of Thunder, Thor. First and foremost, he’s a God, so, I mean, that tells us a lot right there. And being the God of Thunder, he’s incredibly strong, durable, fast, and then an all-around powerhouse.

Then throw in the fact that he wields the mighty Mjolnir, which is one of the most powerful weapons in all of Marvel, and you have one of the most badass, toughest characters in all of the comic books.

In Thor Herald of None comic run Issue 6 we see Thor defeat Galactus and strip them of the cosmic power and absorb it into himself. Do I really need to say more? No, I don’t, but I will because right after that in the same issue, he also defeated the Black Winter single-handedly, one of the most powerful forces in all of Marvel.

I don’t know if the Black Winter literally eats universes, but it’s known as the devourer of universes. Galactus was the Herald for the Black Winter. Wrap your brain around that, then think how Thor defeated both of them by himself.

Captain Marvel And Doctor Strange

Moving along you also have Carol Danvers, Captain Marvel. She’s a cosmic powerhouse and in more recent years Marvel has dubbed her as one of the most powerful characters in all of the universe. She, of course, possesses enhanced strength, stamina, agility, and durability. Almost any power you could think of, Captain Marvel hats.

We’re talking about super speeds, super fragility, super stamina, flight, invulnerability, energy absorption, energy projection, energy manipulation, energy constructs, regeneration enhanced healing, danger sense, hyper cosmic awareness, absolute force manipulation, faster than light, wormhole connection.

Lover or hate her, she’s a powerhouse for The Avengers. Essentially when the rider was creating this character for Marvel, they asked Marvel what power should this character have and Marvel said Yes.

Then of course we have the Sorcerer Supreme himself, Doctor Strange. I mean, do I really have to elaborate, though? It’s the sorcerer supreme, the dude is the master of the Mystic Arts, which allows him to do almost anything. Strange is essentially the most powerful human to ever exist in the Marvel Universe. He’s even been shown to beat cosmic entities like the Inbetweener and Adam Warlock, which is just insane.

Sentry in comicsSentry in comics

Sentry in comics

Sentry, Hyperion, Blue Marvel, And Scarlett Witch

Then, of course, we have Sentry, which is kind of, sort of a more complicated, darker version of Superman for the Marvel Universe. Sentry is said to have the power of 1,000,000 exploding Suns, wrap your brain around that.

Dude has Hulk-level strength as well as zionic abilities. The ability to manipulate light and even regenerate himself from molecules makes him pretty much unkillable. The kicker is Sentry has an evil alter ego that’s even more powerful than his normal self.

But now I’m gonna start running through these a little faster because there’s a lot. You have Hyperion, who’s yet another Superman-like character from Marvel who is one of the strongest beings in the universe. The guy even stopped at the hurtling planet all by himself and he even held apart two universes for a brief period of time. And he’s a highly underrated, badass character.

Speaking of another highly underrated, extremely powerful character, we have Blue Marvel. We definitely need to give this guy an “Origin of” or “How powerful is” article. But right now, just now, he’s one of The Avengers’ powerhouse members. He’s easily on the level of Hulk and Thor. We’ve also seen he’s able to move asteroids the size of States and even once punch Sentry into space, which is nuts.

Now, clearly, there are a lot more characters I could mention, like Vision, Nova, Quasar, and Namor. But you know, I’ve saved the best for last, and that’s the one and only Scarlet Witch. To put it simply, she has hex powers, but these powers give her the ability to manipulate reality on a cosmic scale.

Scarlet Witch in House of MScarlet Witch in House of M

Scarlet Witch in House of M

We just saw recently in the comics that she could bring people back from the dead, essentially undoing her infamous House of M event which got rid of around 95% of all mutants just by uttering the words “No more Mutants”. She’s a reality-warping type of character who is always the most dangerous.

Who Wins In A Fight Between Avengers And X-Men In Comics?

But now with that very brief rundown of the X-Men and Avengers’ most powerful characters, let’s see what team would come out on top. Now, this was an incredibly hard decision, given that both Avengers and the X-Men have had an extensive number of members over the years. And both teams have had incredible powerhouse characters. But in the end, this one goes to The Avengers.

Now before all the X-Men fans start yelling bull crap, no way, never gonna happen. I will say the X-Men would stop The Avengers 9 times out of 10. Let me explain. Now originally, I agreed with the sentiment that the X-Men would be the ones that come out on top.

I mean, the X-Men have character powerhouses like Franklin Richards, Hope Summers, Jean Grey, Storm, Magneto, and on and on. But The Avengers have one character that is the answer to all of those characters and just mutants in general. And that, of course, is the Scarlet Witch.

X-Men in comicsX-Men in comics

X-Men in comics

As I just said a second ago, and I’m sure many of you already know. During the House of M storyline, Scarlet Witch literally got rid of around 95% of all Mutants just by uttering the three words “No more Mutants.” And it was an event that was never 100% undone. In fact, in the recent Trial of Magneto miniseries, Wanda didn’t undo what she did in the House of M, but she tried to make up for it.

She used their powers to gather all the pieces of the lost Mutants and put them in a resurrection queue called the waiting room. So they can eventually be brought back to life via the resurrection process. In doing so, she created a way that meant she would never have to die again, at least not permanently. What I’m saying is, alone, she could clearly wish away units as she has before, almost making them go completely extinct.

And she just so happens to be an Avenger, meaning the wind goes to The Avengers. Wanda is just a very interesting character and easily one of the most powerful in all of Marvel, but it’s also interesting that she would be the key to taking out the X-Men, given that her father is Magneto. But there you have it, guys, that is our winner: The Avengers.

Also Read: Top 10 Poorest Marvel Characters That You Might Have Missed

Peyman Taeidi

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