Bilateral science funding aims to invest in priorities like AI and machine learning

Research collaborators can now apply for $6 million grants under the Australia-India Strategic Research Fund (AISRF).
Australia’s Department of Industry, Science and Resources (DISR) has teamed up with India’s Department of Science and Technology, and the Department of Biotechnology to run round 15 of the grants program.
Successful grants ranging between $500,000 and $1 million will be awarded for research in an identified priority area that mutually benefits Australia and India.
The projects will span artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning, new and renewable energy technologies (with a preference for ultra-low-cost solar and clean hydrogen), urban mining and electronic waste recycling, as well as antimicrobial resistance, and RNA vaccines and therapies.
Industry and science minister Ed Husic issued a statement describing international collaboration as the ‘cornerstone of science and excellence’.
“Previous projects have made important progress in agriculture, biomedical devices and implants, renewable energy, nanotechnology and vaccines,” Husic said on Monday.
“Science and commercialisation are essential to the productivity and economic growth of both countries, and we will continue to achieve great things by working together.”
More than 360 projects, fellowships and workshops have been supported by the fund since it was launched in 2006. It is the largest bilateral program for science research in Australia.
Publicly funded research organisations, NGOs, companies, as well as state and territory governments are eligible to apply.
Grant rules stipulate that a lead organisation can make a maximum of two applications, but only one per priority area.
The minister noted the fund supported Australia’s public and private sector researchers to work alongside Indian peers on leading technology projects and paving the way for new, novel solutions.
“The AISRF helps build links between Australia and India’s top universities and research institutions.
“It continues to enhance Australian-Indian collaboration in mutually significant areas,” Husic said.
Applications for AISF project grants will be accepted until 15 March.
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