Research Agency BRIN Aims to Help Indonesian Businesses

Jakarta. The National Research and Innovation Agency, or BRIN, is committed to providing support for businesses and producing new entrepreneurs across the country through various works and facilities, a spokesman said on Thursday.
BRIN was founded in 2021 after the government dissolved the Research and Technology Ministry but the agency’s full function came only in April of last year after the president appointed its first chairman.
“We have a program called the research-based new entrepreneurs in which people can take BRIN research products to start their own businesses,” Driszal Friyantoni, BRIN’s public communication director, said during a visit to B-Universe Media Holdings in Jakarta.
“Industries are granted access to our laboratory equipment, or they can come to us to get problem-solving research by our human resources so businesses don’t need to spend big on R and D.”
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A notable example of this program is technology startup Netra Space, which relies on BRIN satellite and data to develop devices that help fishermen gain a better understanding of navigation and locate fishing areas at affordable costs.
Called Netra Hub, the device was pitched during the ASEAN-India Startup Festival last year, Driszal said.
BRIN is also developing fast-charging technology to support the automotive industry in their electric vehicle program, he added.
BRIN is a merger of all government research agencies including the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), the National Aeronautics and Space Agency (Lapan), the National Nuclear Energy Agency (Batan), and the Technology Assessment and Application Agency (BPPT).
While the organizational structure was small with fewer than 100 members of the managerial team, BRIN is home to around 9,000 researchers across the country, Driszal said.
BRIN has separate teams to handle a wide range of research fields, from nuclear energy and nanotechnology to agriculture and aeronautics.
During the occasion, Driszal handed an award to B-Universe’s BTV channel for becoming the agency’s best TV partner.