Smart Attica Digital Innovation Hub for Greece opens at Demokritos research center

The Smart Attica European Digital Innovation Hub (Smart Attica EDIH) began operation in Greece recently to support small and medium-sized enterprises and public sector agencies in their digital transformation, the Development & Investments Ministry said in a statement on Thursday.
The recent inauguration of the EDIH’s operation at the ‘Demokritos’ National Center for Scientific Research in the northeastern suburb of Agia Paraskevi was attended by Deputy Development & Investments Minister Christos Dimas, Regional Director of Attica George Patoulis, and others. The EDIH will focus on businesses and agencies related to the sectors of energy and the environment, the supply chain, culture, and tourism.
Costing a total budget of 48.3 million euros, Smart Attica EDIH will add to the Demokritos facilities four new buildings devoted to nanotechnology, information technology & telecommunications, chemical biology, and a new building to allow the expansion of the ‘Lefkippos’ Technology Park. Funding will also support renovations of current facilities.
Smart Attica EDIH is one of 135 such hubs approved for grants by the European Commission within the EDIHs program, and is also funded by the EU’s Digital Europe 2021-2027 program. Half of the hubs’ funding is provided by DIGITAL, and the other half is provided by the EU member states and/or their regions. It includes 17 agencies from all of Greece, including the National Bank of Greece, national universities, the Onassis Foundation, the Hellenic Chamber of Hotels and the Regional Development Fund of Attica, among others. The hub will be managed by Demokritos, which will collaborate with businesses in Greece and other EDIHs.
The EU’s European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIHs) are one-stop shops supporting companies to respond to digital challenges and become more competitive. They provide access to technical expertise and testing, as well as the possibility to ‘test before invest’, and innovation services such as financing advice, training, and skills development that are central to successful digital transformation.
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