IIT Delhi’s STEM mentorship programme for high school girls to begin in March

IIT Delhi’s STEM mentorship programme for high school girls to begin in March

The Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi inaugurated the second batch of STEM mentorship programme for high school girls (class 11) to commemorate the International Day of Women and Girls in Science.

The aim of the programme is to encourage young school girls to pursue their careers in STEM areas. The second batch of the STEM Mentorship Programme will consist of two phases. During the first phase, 32 participants will be selected from KVs, government and private schools in Delhi. They will learn through online lectures and demonstrations from the faculty and students of IIT Delhi on diverse STEM topics. The first phase will be held over the weekends in March and April.

The second phase will be held in May. In this phase, the participants will visit IIT Delhi for a week. They will visit different labs in the institute to get first-hand exposure to research and technology at IIT Delhi.

After the inaugural session, the schoolgirls were given a tour of Makerspace, a do-it-yourself (DIY) facility at IIT Delhi.

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The first mentorship programme for schoolgirls was launched in December 2021 and the first batch of the 10 schoolgirls successfully completed the mentorship programme in June 2022.

The selected schoolgirls were mentored and guided by the IIT Delhi faculty members over a period of seven months on a varied range of topics such as artificial photosynthesis, water reuse using nanotechnology, theoretical computer science, artificial intelligence, climate change, brain mapping and neuroscience, optics, vibrations in engineering, and engineering of human joint implants.

Peyman Taeidi

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