Open source tops list of tech developers trust

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Dive Brief:

  • Developers consider open source as the most proven category of enterprise technology, according to a Stack Overflow survey released last week. The company surveyed 2,000 developers. 
  • Developers view cloud computing, machine learning and robotics among the most proven technologies. In contrast, surveyed developers list low-code/no-code, nanotechnology and quantum computing as most experimental, according to the report.
  • Though AI-assisted technologies fall somewhere between proven and experimental, they top the list of technologies most likely to experience widespread use, according to surveyed developers.

Dive Insight:

Open source is present in the overwhelming majority of applications, yet concerns over flaws in open-source code repositories have emerged in recent years. 

Log4j, first disclosed in December 2021, is one of many examples showing the potential risks of open source application compromise. The Java-based logging application is used by countless devices worldwide.

Flaws in the open-source ecosystem persist, according to data from Synopsys. The majority of vast codebases,  84%, include at least one vulnerability, though less than half include vulnerabilities perceived as high-risk.

Companies rely on open-source code to avoid duplicating efforts, using existing and verified snippets of code to build software more efficiently. 

Nine in 10 IT leaders believe open-source software is as secure or more secure than proprietary software, according to Red Hat research.

“In addition to being the foundation for most modern software today, open source is fueled by a culture of collaboration, sharing and learning,” said Joy Cicman Liuzzo, VP product marketing at Stack Overflow. 

This culture likely contributed to a halo effect in the responses from the developer community and technologists, Cicman Liuzzo said.

Peyman Taeidi

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