INVIAS will invest more than one billion to develop roads in Arauca – news

INVIAS will invest more than one billion to develop roads in Arauca – news

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The SENA Node Arauca Technopark arrives, to accompany talents with innovative and technology-based ideas in the generation of their prototypes or marketable products.

With the launch of the Technological Development Center called Tecnoparque Nodo Arauca, a technological platform of SENA for the insertion of technology, an opportunity to develop their innovative ideas and technology-based ventures.

The Technopark is a technological innovation program of the National Learning Service (SENA) aimed at all Colombians, which acts as an accelerator for the development of Research Management, Technological Development or Innovation projects, materialized in functional prototypes.

With the launch of this program in the department of Arauca, there are 20 nodes of the SENA Technopark Network, of which Arauca is one of the lucky ones for the Orinoquía region, since it will be able to promote and stimulate productivity and competitiveness for companies in this region of the country.

Initially, a group of three people will support the materialization of the projects of the talents, it is intended that during the year the team will be made up of eleven people, who will contribute to the objective of increasing the level of technological development in the processes, products and services, as well as providing innovative solutions to improve productivity and competitiveness in the department of Arauca.

Thanks to the cooperation agreement signed between the Government of Arauca and SENA, the Department, through the project called “Strengthening of technological innovation strategies for the generation of new knowledge in the department of Arauca”, will make an investment of $11,000 million pesos to the purchase of equipment, materials, infrastructure and hiring of personnel for a period of 6 months.

People interested in the development of products with innovation and technology components must register on the page for the registration process of the idea and as talent, then they are reviewed by a committee to evaluate the ideas and if they are approved, the development process begins.

The development lines of the Tecnoparque in Arauca are grouped into three strategic areas of knowledge, such as: Engineering and Design, to address the necessary tools for the elaboration of mechanical parts through computerized numerical control; Virtual technologies, aimed at developing skills to solve environmental problems from the development of software and digital content; and Biotechnology and Nanotechnology, oriented towards the transformation of biological material in order to obtain environmentally friendly products.

Source: SENA Arauca

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Peyman Taeidi

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