Science and innovation focus on concrete problems in Cuba

The Minister of Science, Technology and Environment, Eduardo Martínez, and Deputy Minister Armando Rodríguez explained that Cuba has a portfolio of more than 6,500 projects and the priorities in science and innovation should focus on increasing foreign currency incomes by exporting goods and services, as well as increasing power generation, with emphasis on renewable sources, and increasing food production.
In statements to the Cubadebate website, both officials noted that among the tasks for such improvement is to increase investment in science and innovation.
The business system and local governments need more investment in science and innovation to develop themselves.
On the other hand, we need to take more advantage of international cooperation and the negotiation of intangible assets that are created in the development of the projects themselves,’ they added.
They pointed out that it is necessary to identify all scientific and technological results in the country that have not been applied and to draw up a road map for their introduction.
In addition, there is the promotion of nanotechnology, new biology and artificial intelligence, which are considered essential for the scientific development of any country.